
Why cuddle events at all

Loneliness is a topic that is rarely talked about - and yet it is significantly present in all age groups and social classes. Think of senior citizens whose partners have died, young and older adults who have separated after a long marriage or relationship, people who are either not ready to commit to another person for a while or are unable to find a suitable partner so quickly. Many people want, need or long for touch. They want to feel loved and connected, to be held in their arms. But there it is, loneliness, and no one is there to change that. Some men look for a solution in brothels or swingers clubs - where they can have uncaring sex, but the feeling of connection is unlikely to arise. Others go to parties and events to socialize, often with alcohol. In rare cases, people even go to the doctor, physiotherapist or for a massage where they are touched. But none of these are sustainable solutions - if they have the desired effect at all - namely a longer-lasting feeling of connection and being loved.

People are increasingly "on the move" digitally, more on their smart devices and less in contact with other people in real life. Our society is splitting, relationships and friendships are falling apart due to political differences (compulsory vaccination, AFD, etc.). Not least during the coronavirus crisis, we have all clearly felt how much it means to us to have contact with other people, not just to see them via video call, but also to hold them in our arms and touch them, to feel them.

What could a society look like in which we all have access to this love and connection and in which there is a daily opportunity, regardless of our situation in life, to come to a place where others can touch us sensually and tenderly, take us in their arms and make us feel connected?

At our cuddle events, we want to create a space where exactly that is possible. A space in which you can experience complete relaxation, freedom and safety while knowing that your boundaries and wishes will be respected. Every form of touch is requested and only what is expressly desired is done. Our clear rules and exercises promote trust and an honest and authentic exchange between participants and create an environment in which mindful touch and acceptance take priority.
Register for one of our next events:

>> For female / various participants

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