Events in Berlin

Experience complete comfort, freedom and safety while knowing that your boundaries and wishes will be respected. Every touch will be asked for and only what you explicitly want will happen.
We take a break
As soon as we have upcoming events, we will let you know via our Telegram channel (see above) and newsletter (to be found at the bottom of the page).
May I? Would you?
Every touch must be asked for. To do this, we ask in two ways: "May I...?" and "Would you...?" This way you can consciously feel what is good for you and ask for what you need at the moment. Of course, you can change your mind at any time.
A safe space
Each event is led by a team of experienced Kuschelevent leaders. The team creates a safe space for you and offers you emotional support when you need it. You can find more about the schedule here.
Cuddle with rules
We cuddle by consensus. All events have the same rules. These are explained at the beginning and all participants have to agree to them by a show of hands. This creates security and transparency. You can find out what these rules are here.
Events start from 19 €
The regular price is 30 €. Early bird prices start at 19 €.
An event lasts 3 hours. The elements build on each other and develop many positive effects through their combination.
Welcoming round
What is your name and do you have experience with cuddle events? If you like, tell the others what mood you are in at the moment. That way we get a first feel for each other.
Exercises for "saying no"
Saying no to others is not always easy - but important to do only what you really want. We therefore give thanks for a "no" and learn how easy and completely okay saying and hearing "no" can be.
Exercises for proper questioning
Every touch must be asked. To do this, we will learn two questioning techniques. This makes cuddling really fun and you can explore your own interests, senses and perceptions.
Short Break
There will be tea and snacks. It is best to bring something to drink yourself. After a short break, we will then start the free cuddling, where you can apply what you have learned with others.
Free cuddling
Now it is time to apply what you have practiced. Usually there has already been sympathy between you and others and a step towards each other almost goes by itself. If you feel safe, you can also "release" larger body regions for touching.
Closing round
Most of the time the time flies by. Finally, everyone will have the opportunity to share their experiences with each other. And then we look forward to welcoming you back to our events soon.
Our rules promote trust and an honest and authentic exchange and create an environment in which mindful touch and acceptance take center stage.
  • No need to cuddle
    You don't have to do anything and you don't cuddle with anyone you don't want to cuddle with.
  • Touch only with permission
    You ask permission and get a verbal "yes" before touching someone.
  • Say Yes and No
    Say "yes" when you mean "yes" and "no" when you mean "no." A "maybe" is a "no."
  • Change opinions at any time
    You are allowed to change your mind at any time. Don't be "kind of ok" with something, think it's good or leave/end it.
  • Clothes stay on
    Clothes stay on the whole time. Touching under clothes is not allowed.
  • Emotions are welcome
    Cuddling can trigger strong emotions. All emotions, tears, anger, laughter... are welcome.
  • No drugs
    Our events are drug and alcohol free spaces.
  • Hygiene & comfy clothes
    Come washed and groomed, without using strong-smelling products. We recommend that you wear comfortable clothing.
  • Respect privacy
    Do not mention the names and personal characteristics of the other participants when talking about the event.
  • Intentionless touch
    If a touch excites you, don't get caught up in the excitement and disengage from the situation.
We look forward to meeting you!
Together with you and many other participants, we look forward to a time full of connection and authentic mindful encounters.
"I love being able to accompany you and other wonderful people in authentic and honest encounters. My heart opens when I experience how people who were previously strangers get to know each other on a cuddle evening, how they go through the evening together and how deep, unintentional and trusting connections are created as a result.
I was able to gain healing and self-empowering experiences myself by getting to know and testing my own desires and boundaries in a safe environment.
At cuddle events, I will create a space for you where all yeses and noes are accepted with respect and understanding, and where physical contact can take place simply and without ulterior motives. I want to give you and as many people as possible this experience, because physical contact is as important as breathing."
"My aim is to create a safe and positive space for you in which the encounter and cuddling become a special experience within yourself. Something often develops that is difficult to put into words. During cuddling events, I have built up my own trust, recognized my patterns and felt my own reticence. This allowed me to grow personally. I have received qualified training for this type of event. I strive to ensure that loving touch becomes more and more commonplace in everyday life. That is my heart's desire." -Martin
My heart beats for the world of bodywork in all its multifaceted forms of expression. Developing body awareness and body consciousness is my passion, and I want to share it with you.
For me, touch is the most natural thing in the world. It is a language that works without words and yet conveys so much. I invite you to join me in creating a space in which this form of encounter through unintentional touch is possible.
The idea of leading cuddle events stems from my own experience. I was able to experience transformative moments myself at such events, which inspired me to create this space of mindfulness and connection."
“Cuddling is my love language. I have discovered that unintentional mindful touch through cuddling events is a great gift that I would like to pass on. In recent years, I have gotten to know various formats of such and similar events. I have now completed my training as a cuddle party leader at KuschelRaum and have gained more in-depth knowledge of how to hold a safe space and turn a cuddle event into a positive experience. For me, cuddle events are a way to create a feeling of connection with others and to feel safe. This feeling lasts for weeks and fills me with peace and bliss. “ -Malte
Malte kontaktieren
Join us on our journey to make cuddling more popular.
    Life Artists Creators Hub - 4. Stock
    Milastraße 4
    10437 Berlin

    We are always happy to hear from new locations and people who would like to support Kuschelevents. Please get in touch with us. ❤️

    +49 (0) 40 57 30 98 12
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