
Our philosophy

At Kuschlevents, we firmly believe that cuddling promotes inner peace, serenity and connection with our fellow human beings and is an important part of a fulfilled and happy life. Especially in times without a stable life partnership, it is often far too rare to experience unintentional mindful touch and thus a feeling of loneliness. Almost everyone goes through such a phase of life once or several times.

That's why at our events we want to offer (adult) people in all phases of life the opportunity to touch each other simply and at any time in a safe and protected space in a mindful and unintentional way and to feel connected and loved as a result.

We create a space in which you can experience complete relaxation, freedom and safety while knowing that your boundaries and wishes will be respected. Every form of touch is requested and only what is explicitly desired is done. Our clear rules and exercises promote trust and an honest and authentic exchange between the participants and create an environment in which mindful touch and acceptance take priority.
Register for one of our next events:

>> For female / various participants

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